Meaning & Definition of word "Furnace"






    • 1. A structure or apparatus in which heat is generated.
      • Example: The furnace was blasting heat, making the whole house warm during the winter.
    • 2. A device used for melting or smelting metal.
      • Example: The blacksmith heated the iron in the furnace until it was red hot.
    • 3. A metaphorical place or situation characterized by intense heat or pressure.
      • Example: The startup was a furnace of innovation, with ideas being tested and developed rapidly.


    Middle English fornes, from Latin fornax, fornacis.

    Common Phrases and Expressions

    furnace of affliction:

    A metaphorical term for a severe trial or hardship.

    furnace room:

    The room housing the furnace in a building.

    to fire in a furnace:

    To heat something intensely or metaphorically put someone through a challenging experience.

    Related Words


    A vessel in which water is boiled to generate steam.


    The process of making something warmer.


    An oven used for firing ceramic materials.


    A device for burning waste material.

    Slang Meanings of furnace

    Meaning: Slang term for a hot environment.

    Example Sentence: It's a furnace out there today!

    Meaning: A place of intense competition.

    Example Sentence: That startup scene is a real furnace right now.