If we can't get fresh fruit, we'll have to do without.
Si no podem obtenir fruita fresca, haurem de prescindir.
There's fruit and meat in this market.
Hi ha fruita i carn en aquest mercat.
Is sugar cane a fruit or a vegetable?
La canya de sucre és una fruita o una verdura?
It's a fruit.
És una fruita.
Do you like fruit salad?
T'agrada l'amanida de fruites?
I want this fruit.
Vull aquesta fruita.
Avocados are the fruit of the avocado tree.
Els alvocats són el fruit de l'alvocat.
We grow grapes, corn and fruit trees.
Cultivem raïm, blat de moro i arbres fruiters.
Do you want some fruit juice?
Vols una mica de suc de fruita?
You need to buy some fruit and vegetables.
Cal comprar fruites i verdures.
I'm going to make a little fruit salad for everyone.
Faré una petita amanida de fruites per a tothom.
He ate fruit and vegetables.
Menjava fruites i verdures.
I like fruit such as grapes and peaches.
M'agraden les fruites com el raïm i els préssecs.
We have collected only ripe fruit.
Només hem recollit fruita madura.
I like fruit.
M'agrada la fruita.
The fruit is in the basket.
La fruita està a la cistella.
I eat fruit.
Menjo fruita.
In my garden many trees are bearing fruit.
Al meu jardí molts arbres donen fruit.
Why did Adam eat the forbidden fruit?
Per què Adam va menjar la fruita prohibida?
Erudition can produce foliage without bearing fruit.
L'erudició pot produir fullatge sense donar fruits.
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