I forgot to lock the front door.
Em vaig oblidar de tancar la porta principal.
When Tom reached the front door, he noticed it was slightly open.
Quan Tom va arribar a la porta principal, es va adonar que estava lleugerament oberta.
"A new cafe has opened up in front of the train station. Wouldn't you like to go there with me sometime?" "Of course! When would be good for you?"
"S'ha obert una nova cafeteria davant de l'estació de tren. No t'agradaria anar-hi amb mi alguna vegada?" "Per descomptat! Quan seria bo per a tu?"
You should travel while you're young instead of spending time in front of the computer.
Hauríeu de viatjar quan sou joves en lloc de passar temps davant de l'ordinador.
The notice was put on the front page.
L'avís es va posar a la portada.
The car pulled up in front of the house.
El cotxe es va aturar davant de la casa.
I've never seen a more enticing woman than the one standing in front of me right now.
Mai he vist una dona més atractiva que la que tenia davant meu ara mateix.
For how many hours can you sit in front of the computer?
Per quantes hores pots seure davant de l'ordinador?
He kissed me in front of everyone.
Em va fer un petó davant de tothom.
The snow was piled up outside the front door.
La neu es va amuntegar fora de la porta principal.
I bought this book at the bookshop in front of the station.
Vaig comprar aquest llibre a la llibreria de davant de l'estació.
Tom eats alone in front of his computer.
Tom menja sol davant del seu ordinador.
One day, a cat showed up at my front door.
Un dia, un gat es va presentar a la meva porta principal.
Tom sits in front of the TV set. He doesn't learn German.
Tom s'asseu davant del televisor. No aprèn alemany.
I was in the front seat.
Estava al seient davanter.
He is sitting in the front seat.
Està assegut al seient davanter.
A long queue had formed in front of the shop.
Davant de la botiga s'havia format una llarga cua.
I put the keys in front of the door.
Vaig posar les claus davant de la porta.
The front brakes don't work.
Els frens davanters no funcionen.
Look in front of you.
Mira davant teu.
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