I like the smell of fresh bread.
M’agrada l’olor del pa fresc.
The funeral procession reached the burial site, where a hole had been dug that smelled of fresh earth.
La processó fúnebre va arribar al lloc d'enterrament, on s'havia excavat un forat que feia olor de terra fresca.
I just need some fresh air to clear my head and come to my senses.
Només necessito una mica d'aire fresc per netejar-me el cap i recuperar la raó.
I only buy fresh vegetables, not frozen.
Només compro verdures fresques, no congelades.
Let's get some fresh air.
Tindrem una mica d'aire fresc.
If we can't get fresh fruit, we'll have to do without.
Si no podem obtenir fruita fresca, haurem de prescindir.
This fresh raw fish is delicious.
Aquest peix cru fresc és deliciós.
I'm going out for some fresh air.
Vaig a sortir a buscar una mica d'aire fresc.
May I have some fresh cold milk?
Puc tenir llet fresca?
Tom wanted some fresh air.
Tom volia una mica d'aire fresc.
Tom wanted a fresh start.
Tom volia un nou començament.
The bread is not fresh.
El pa no és fresc.
Have a bath! You'll feel fresh and relaxed afterwards.
Que tingueu un bany! Després et sentiràs fresc i relaxat.
I bought fresh bread.
Vaig comprar pa fresc.
Go out and get some fresh air instead of watching TV.
Sortiu a buscar una mica d'aire fresc en lloc de veure la televisió.
These apples look very fresh.
Aquestes pomes semblen molt fresques.
Where can you get the best fresh bread?
On es pot obtenir el millor pa fresc?
I went out for a walk to get some fresh air.
Vaig sortir a passejar per agafar una mica d'aire fresc.
A refrigerator keeps meat fresh.
Una nevera manté la carn fresca.
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