Tom is working on something that needs to be finished by 100:100.
Tom està treballant en alguna cosa que s'ha d'acabar a les 100:100.
We knew that we were going to go in different directions when our school finished.
Sabíem que anàvem en diferents direccions quan acabés la nostra escola.
Tom and Mary finished their meal and then went into the living room to watch TV.
Tom i Mary van acabar el menjar i després van entrar a la sala d'estar per veure la televisió.
Carelessly stringing words and constuctions on each other, you receive a finished sentence that makes sense. Isn't that a miracle?
Encordant descuidadament paraules i restriccions l'un a l'altre, rebeu una frase acabada que tingui sentit. No és un miracle?
I just finished breakfast.
Acabo d'acabar l'esmorzar.
How much longer do you think it'll be until the job is finished?
Quant més temps creu que serà fins que acabi la feina?
Tom's part of the work isn't finished.
La part de l'obra de Tom no està acabada.
The frame of the house should be finished in a day or two.
El marc de la casa s'ha d'acabar en un o dos dies.
I should've finished that sooner.
Ho hauria d'haver acabat abans.
I haven't finished yet.
Encara no he acabat.
We finished the work.
Hem acabat la feina.
I'm finished now.
Ara ja he acabat.
I wasn't finished.
No estava acabat.
I almost finished.
Gairebé vaig acabar.
If I hadn't had your cooperation, I couldn't have finished the work in time.
Si no hagués tingut la teva col·laboració, no hauria pogut acabar la feina a temps.
I have just finished eating.
Acabo de menjar.
When he finished speaking, everyone was silent.
Quan va acabar de parlar, tothom va callar.
I have already finished reading this book.
Ja he acabat de llegir aquest llibre.
Have you already finished?
Ja has acabat?
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