I have 100 projects that I need to finish up by the weekend!
Tinc 100 projectes que he d'acabar el cap de setmana!
Hurry up and finish whatever the hell you're doing in there!
Afanya't i acaba tot el que vulguis!
How much more money is it going to cost to finish building our house?
Quants diners costa acabar de construir la nostra casa?
You have exactly thirteen minutes to finish this.
Tens exactament tretze minuts per acabar-ho.
When will they finish installing the electricity?
Quan acabaran d’instal · lar l’electricitat?
Wait till I finish eating.
Espera fins que acabi de menjar.
This table has a nice finish.
Aquesta taula té un bon final.
We must finish this job tonight.
Aquesta nit hem d’acabar aquesta feina.
We need another day to finish this job.
Necessitem un altre dia per acabar la feina.
I'll be with you as soon as I finish my dinner.
Estaré amb tu tan bon punt acabi el sopar.
I do wish we could finish today.
Tant de bo poguéssim acabar avui.
I must finish my work.
He d'acabar la meva feina.
I have to finish what I started.
He d'acabar el que vaig començar.
I have a book to finish.
Tinc un llibre per acabar.
Did Tom finish?
Tom va acabar?
Eh, just a second, let me finish this.
Només un segon, deixa'm acabar això.
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