If you know Spanish well, you'll have no problems with looking for a job. But some with finding one.
Si coneixes bé l'espanyol, no tindreu problemes per buscar feina. Alguns amb trobar-ne un.
I'm not finding the second sock.
No trobo el segon mitjó.
I expect you had a hard time finding this house.
Espero que us hagi costat molt trobar aquesta casa.
We had difficulty finding your hotel.
Vam tenir dificultats per trobar el teu hotel.
Stop finding fault with my every word.
Deixa de trobar errors en cada paraula.
I calmed down upon finding out that the operation was successful.
Em vaig calmar en descobrir que l'operació va tenir èxit.
The rescuers searched the surroundings in hopes of finding the child.
Els socorristes van escorcollar l'entorn amb l'esperança de trobar el nen.
Stop putting off finding a job.
Deixa de trobar feina.
Upon finding out about the others' success, she turned green with envy.
En assabentar-se de l'èxit dels altres, es va tornar verda amb enveja.
He likes finding faults in others.
Li agrada trobar errors en els altres.
I had some trouble in finding his house.
Vaig tenir problemes per trobar la seva casa.
I had a hard time finding his house.
Em va costar trobar la seva casa.
I failed in finding his house.
No vaig aconseguir trobar la seva casa.
He is second to none when it comes to finding fault with others.
És insuperable quan es tracta de trobar errors amb els altres.
There is no possibility of our finding him.
No hi ha possibilitat que el trobin.
He is above finding fault with others.
Està per sobre de trobar culpa amb els altres.
He had difficulty in finding his way to the hotel.
Va tenir dificultats per trobar el camí cap a l'hotel.
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