Vaig sentir que la tensió creixia entre nosaltres.
I felt dirty after helping him.
Em vaig sentir brut després d'ajudar-lo.
When I entered the plane and counted eight infants, I understandably felt worse, and my hope for sound sleep winced and hid in the corner of my subconsciousness.
Quan vaig entrar a l'avió i vaig comptar amb vuit nadons, comprensiblement em vaig sentir pitjor, i la meva esperança d'un son sòlid es va esvair i es va amagar a la cantonada de la meva subconsciència.
The two of us aren't that good at chess. We're just playing because we felt like it.
Tots dos no som tan bons als escacs. Només juguem perquè ens va agradar.
It was then that we clearly felt the gravity of the situation.
Va ser llavors quan vam sentir clarament la gravetat de la situació.
Tom wanted to say something, but he felt that it would be better if he didn't.
Tom volia dir alguna cosa, però va pensar que seria millor que no ho fes.
As soon as she hugged him, he felt a severe pain.
Tan bon punt el va abraçar, va sentir un fort dolor.
I'm feeling better now, but I sure felt bad this morning.
Ara em sento millor, però segur que m'he sentit malament aquest matí.
I felt kind of sorry for Tom.
Em va fer una mica de pena per Tom.
I felt very lonely.
Em vaig sentir molt sol.
Tom felt fine.
Tom se sentia bé.
It's been a long time since I've felt this bad.
Fa molt de temps que em sento tan malament.
I've never felt so hot.
Mai m'he sentit tan calent.
I felt tired last night.
Ahir a la nit em vaig sentir cansat.
I felt sure this would happen.
Em vaig sentir segur que això passaria.
Tom felt а tap on the shoulder.
Tom va sentir ⁇ tocar a l'espatlla.
Tom has an old felt hat he always wears in the rain.
Tom té un barret de feltre vell que sempre porta sota la pluja.