You can fellow me.
Pots acompanyar-me.
Don't fellow me.
No em coneguis.
I remember one fellow in particular.
Recordo un company en particular.
That fellow was fired last week.
Aquell company va ser acomiadat la setmana passada.
Who's that fellow over there?
Qui és aquest company d'allà?
I feel very sorry for Tom, poor fellow.
Em sap molt greu Tom, pobre company.
Tom was a fellow student of mine at school.
Tom era un company d'estudis meu a l'escola.
Tom is a pretty good fellow when you get to know him.
Tom és un bon company quan el coneixes.
Tom was just a little fellow when his folks moved here.
Tom era només un nen petit quan la seva gent es va traslladar aquí.
There was a young fellow in to see you a half an hour ago.
Hi havia un jove a veure't fa mitja hora.
I'm writing the fellow.
Escric el company.
In fact, he is a nice fellow.
De fet, és un bon company.
If it were not for his idleness, he would be a nice fellow.
Si no fos per la seva ociositat, seria un noi simpàtic.
He's quite a nice fellow but I don't like him.
És un noi molt simpàtic, però no m'agrada.
He is really a queer fellow!
És realment un noi queer!
He seems to be a nice fellow.
Sembla ser un bon company.
He is a good fellow.
És un bon company.
I can't bear that fellow.
No puc suportar aquest company.
I absolutely will not speak to that fellow again!
No tornaré a parlar amb aquest company!
I did wrong in trusting such a fellow.
Em vaig equivocar en confiar en un home així.
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