I've got a feeling Tom doesn't really know how to speak French.
Tinc la sensació que Tom no sap parlar francès.
That feeling is called love.
Aquest sentiment es diu amor.
Are you feeling tired?
Et sents cansat?
I have a feeling today is going to be interesting.
avui tinc la sensació que serà interessant.
I'm feeling better now, but I sure felt bad this morning.
Ara em sento millor, però segur que m'he sentit malament aquest matí.
What's your feeling about the idea?
Quin és el teu sentiment sobre la idea?
I have a feeling that something important is going to happen.
Tinc la sensació que passarà alguna cosa important.
I've got a feeling that tonight's gonna be a good night.
Tinc la sensació que aquesta nit serà una bona nit.
I was feeling happy.
Em sentia feliç.
I was feeling nostalgic.
Em sentia nostàlgic.
Were you feeling resistance?
Sentien resistència?
I've got a feeling that nobody cares about their accent as much as the Russians.
Tinc la sensació que a ningú li importa tant el seu accent com els russos.
I know how you must be feeling.
Sé com has de sentir.
I have a feeling Tom is lying.
Tinc la sensació que Tom menteix.
How are the silver foxes feeling?
Com se senten les guineus platejades?
Tom is feeling better.
Tom se sent millor.
I'm feeling great.
Em sento molt bé.
I'm feeling fine.
Em sento bé.
I'm feeling down.
Em sento abatut.
I'm feeling cold.
Em sento fred.
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