If you don't feel like it, go home! Otherwise you're just standing in the way.
Si no us ve de gust, torneu a casa! En cas contrari, només estàs en el camí.
I don't feel well and would rather stay at home today.
No em sento bé i prefereixo quedar-me a casa avui.
I feel quite put out about it.
Em sento molt contenta.
It's always good to work on a team all the members of which feel that they're making a great contribution to the success of some business.
Sempre és bo treballar en equip tots els membres del qual senten que estan fent una gran contribució a l'èxit d'alguns negocis.
Mention the name of the man you're talking to. It makes everyone feel important and accepted.
Esmenta el nom de l'home amb qui estàs parlant. Això fa que tothom se senti important i acceptat.
Do you feel any better today?
Avui et sents millor?
Do you feel like having a bite to eat?
Tens ganes de menjar un mos?
Do you feel like having a snack?
Tens ganes de fer un berenar?
I don't feel like going shopping with you today.
Avui no tinc ganes d'anar a comprar amb tu.
I just don't feel like going to school today.
No tinc ganes d'anar a l'escola avui.
I feel dizzy. I think I'm going to faint
Em sento marejat. Crec que em desmaiaré
"Hey, why is the window open?" "I just opened it to let in a little air. If you're cold, feel free to close it."
"Ei, per què la finestra està oberta?" "L'acabo d'obrir per deixar entrar una mica d'aire. Si tens fred, no dubtis a tancar-lo."
I'm afraid I'll have to disappoint you. I don't feel like participating in this discussion.
Em temo que t'hauré de decebre. No tinc ganes de participar en aquest debat.
I feel like some important idea always slips away from me, and I can't catch it.
Sento que alguna idea important sempre s'allunya de mi i no la puc atrapar.
I should admit that I started to feel sick.
He de reconèixer que vaig començar a sentir-me malalt.
I feel so lonely.
Em sento molt sol.
I feel like a new man.
Em sento com un home nou.
I don't feel like doing anything when it's this hot.
No tinc ganes de fer res quan fa tanta calor.
I feel very low today.
Avui em sento molt baix.
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