Don't feed the trolls.
No alimenteu els trolls.
We'll feed the kids first.
Primer alimentarem els nens.
Does the man feed the cat?
L'home alimenta el gat?
The child refused to let anyone feed him.
El nen es va negar a deixar que ningú l'alimentés.
Have you ordered the feed for the chickens?
Heu demanat el pinso per a les gallines?
This sign says "do not feed the animals."
Aquest rètol diu "no alimenteu els animals."
I need to feed Tom.
Necessito alimentar en Tom.
I need to feed the dog.
Necessito alimentar el gos.
Don't feed wild animals.
No alimenteu animals salvatges.
I can barely afford to buy enough food to feed my family.
Amb prou feines em puc permetre comprar prou menjar per alimentar la meva família.
He forgot to feed the dog.
Es va oblidar d’alimentar el gos.
Please don't feed the animals.
No alimenteu els animals.
Bread feeds the body, and books feed the mind.
El pa alimenta el cos i els llibres alimenten la ment.
I have to feed my cat.
He d'alimentar el meu gat.
Never feed dog food to your cat.
No alimenteu mai el menjar del gos al vostre gat.
In winter, we need to feed the birds.
A l'hivern, hem d'alimentar els ocells.
We've brought enough food to feed everyone.
Hem portat prou menjar per alimentar tothom.
Do you have some bread? I'm going to feed the pigeons.
Tens pa? Vaig a alimentar els coloms.
Tom brought enough food to feed everyone.
Tom va portar prou menjar per alimentar tothom.
Tom forgot to feed his dog last night.
Tom es va oblidar d'alimentar el seu gos ahir a la nit.
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