I'm awfully fed up with Tom, Mary, Boston and French.
Estic molt fart de Tom, Mary, Boston i French.
I'm fed up with waiting for you.
Estic fart d'esperar-te.
The dog will need to be fed once a day.
El gos haurà de ser alimentat un cop al dia.
We were well fed at the hotel.
Estàvem ben alimentats a l'hotel.
Have you fed the dog yet?
Ja has donat de menjar al gos?
A fed person doesn't know how hungry the hungry person is.
Una persona alimentada no sap amb quina gana té la persona famolenca.
Yaakov fed the sheep.
Yaakov va alimentar les ovelles.
The mother fed the newborn colt.
La mare va alimentar el poltre nounat.
I fed the dog.
Vaig alimentar el gos.
I am fed up with talking to you!
Estic fart de parlar amb tu!
He is fed up with my problems.
Està fart dels meus problemes.
Tom was fed up with waiting for Mary.
Tom estava fart d'esperar a Mary.
He fed his dog at the same time every day.
Va alimentar el seu gos al mateix temps cada dia.
I'm fed up with eating in restaurants.
Estic fart de menjar als restaurants.
She fed them with hamburgers.
Els va alimentar amb hamburgueses.
She fed milk to the cat.
Va donar llet al gat.
I'm fed up with it!
Estic fart d'això!
I'm fed up with her laziness.
Estic fart de la seva mandra.
I'm fed up with her grumbling.
Estic fart de les seves queixes.
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