Do you think the judge will reverse his decision when he hears the new evidence?
Creus que el jutge revertirà la seva decisió quan escolti les noves proves?
I destroyed all the evidence.
Vaig destruir totes les proves.
I have evidence.
Tinc proves.
Tom provided evidence.
Tom va aportar proves.
Unless there is reliable evidence for it, we should not believe anything.
A menys que hi hagi proves fiables, no ens hauríem de creure res.
The only evidence was the traces of semen stuck to the underwear.
L'única evidència eren els rastres de semen enganxats a la roba interior.
The FTC nailed down new evidence in the fraud investigation.
La FTC va clavar noves proves en la investigació del frau.
The lawyer brought up new evidence.
L'advocat va presentar noves proves.
The lack of evidence to the contrary is itself evidence that your theory is probably right.
La manca d'evidència en contra és en si mateixa evidència que la seva teoria és probablement correcta.
The evidence was against me.
Les proves anaven en contra meva.
There's no evidence.
No hi ha proves.
From this evidence it follows that he is innocent.
D'aquesta prova es dedueix que és innocent.
If we take this additional evidence into consideration, the second law must be modified.
Si tenim en compte aquesta prova addicional, s'ha de modificar la segona llei.
All the evidence points to his guilt.
Totes les proves apunten a la seva culpabilitat.
Everyone believes his story since there is no evidence to the contrary.
Tothom creu la seva història ja que no hi ha proves en contra.
What evidence do you have?
Quines evidències teniu?
There's no evidence.
No hi ha proves.
All the evidence points to his guilt.
Totes les proves apunten a la seva culpabilitat.
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