

Meaning & Definition

To remove the contents of something; to make something void of its contents.
Please empty your pockets before entering the security area.
To cause a place or container to become devoid of contents.
He decided to empty the drawer to find old letters.
Containing nothing; not filled or occupied.
The room was empty after everyone had left.
Devoid of content or substance.
She looked at the empty bottle and realized she needed to buy more water.
Without meaning or significance.
His promises felt empty and untrustworthy.


Old English 'æmtig', from the root 'ame' meaning 'to remove'.

Common Phrases and Expressions

In a state of having nothing to show for an effort.
empty nest:
A household where children have grown up and left home.
empty promises:
Assurances that are not fulfilled.

Related Words

Slang Meanings

Empty as in lacking substance or seriousness.
His argument was just empty rhetoric.
Feeling emotionally drained or vacant.
After the breakup, I just felt so empty inside.