Tom was dressed like a pirate.
En Tom anava vestit de pirata.
Tom was dressed in clothes similar to John's.
Tom anava vestit amb roba semblant a la de John.
Tom was dressed casually.
Tom anava vestit casualment.
I saw a man dressed as a ninja.
Vaig veure un home vestit de ninja.
He's well dressed.
Està ben vestit.
She was dressed in white.
Anava vestida de blanc.
Will you entertain the guests while I get dressed?
Entendràs els convidats mentre em vesteixo?
Get dressed quickly.
Vesteix-te ràpidament.
One day, her dream to be dressed in haute couture came true in an unexpected way.
Un dia, el seu somni de vestir-se amb alta costura es va fer realitat d'una manera inesperada.
Tom said something crude about the way Mary was dressed.
Tom va dir alguna cosa crua sobre la manera com es vestia la Mary.
What're you all dressed up for?
Per a què estàs vestit?
Tom didn't notice how Mary was dressed.
Tom no es va adonar de com anava la Mary.
Tom dressed himself quickly, then ran out the door.
Tom es va vestir ràpidament i després va sortir corrents per la porta.
He got dressed and went outside.
Es va vestir i va sortir.
You shall not enter the house dressed like that.
No entraràs a la casa vestit així.
You're never fully dressed, until you put up a smile.
Mai estàs completament vestit, fins que et poses un somriure.
She is dressed in white.
Va vestida de blanc.
She was dressed all in black.
Va vestir tot de negre.
She was dressed in black.
Anava vestida de negre.
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