I think to clearly distinguish opinion from fact is important.
Crec que distingir clarament l'opinió dels fets és important.
It is easy to distinguish good from evil.
És fàcil distingir el bé del mal.
To distinguish right from wrong is difficult.
Distingir el bé del mal és difícil.
Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.
De vegades, la realitat i la fantasia són difícils de distingir.
You have to distinguish fact from fiction.
Cal distingir la realitat de la ficció.
Can you distinguish her from her sister?
La pots distingir de la seva germana?
He can't distinguish vice from virtue.
No pot distingir el vici de la virtut.
These days when I hear about these horrible incidents on the news I get the feeling that more and more young people are losing their ability to distinguish between real and virtual worlds.
En aquests dies, quan escolto aquests horribles incidents a les notícies, tinc la sensació que cada cop més joves estan perdent la capacitat de distingir entre mons reals i virtuals.
Reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.
La realitat i la fantasia són difícils de distingir.
We cannot distinguish her from her younger sister.
No podem distingir-la de la seva germana petita.
The journalist was too upset to distinguish vice from virtue.
El periodista estava massa molest per distingir el vici de la virtut.
Can you distinguish silver from tin?
Es pot distingir la plata de l'estany?
It is hard to distinguish you from your brother.
És difícil distingir-te del teu germà.
To distinguish right from wrong is difficult.
Distingir el bé del mal és difícil.
Sometimes reality and fantasy are hard to distinguish.
De vegades, la realitat i la fantasia són difícils de distingir.