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Translation of "discovered" into Catalan
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IPA : /dɪskəvərd/
The murder scene was still a hive of police activity several days after the man's body had been discovered.
L'escena de l'assassinat encara era un rusc d'activitat policial diversos dies després que s'hagués descobert el cos de l'home.
Mary discovered that Tom was secretly a talented singer.
Mary va descobrir que Tom era secretament un cantant talentós.
The miner discovered a valuable pocket of gold.
El miner va descobrir una valuosa butxaca d'or.
What's your native language? Mari? I lately discovered this language after reading the article about the Finno-Ugric languages on Wikipedia. These languages have a very interesting history.
Quina és la teva llengua materna? Mari? Darrerament vaig descobrir aquesta llengua després de llegir l'article sobre les llengües ugrofinès a la Viquipèdia. Aquestes llengües tenen una història molt interessant.
I just discovered the dark side of Tatoeba.
Acabo de descobrir el costat fosc de Tatoeba.
What have you discovered?
Què has descobert?
We discovered a secret passageway leading to the catacombs.
Vam descobrir un passadís secret que conduïa a les catacumbes.
We discovered a secret passageway.
Vam descobrir un passadís secret.
Our secret was discovered by the government.
El nostre secret va ser descobert pel govern.
Christopher Columbus discovered America.
Cristòfor Colom va descobrir Amèrica.
Have you discovered anything new today?
Has descobert alguna cosa nova avui?
Tamy discovered a mistake in the sentence structure.
Tamy va descobrir un error en l'estructura de la frase.
An ancient bronze mirror studded with glass beads was discovered in the tomb looted by the robbers centuries ago.
A la tomba saquejada pels lladres fa segles es va descobrir un antic mirall de bronze amb perles de vidre.
I discovered a very nice place today.
Avui he descobert un lloc molt bonic.
Young man, the secret of my success is that at an early age I discovered that I was not God.
Jove, el secret del meu èxit és que a una edat primerenca vaig descobrir que no era Déu.
The treatment's acceptability plummeted by nearly 100% that year after researchers discovered disfiguring side effects.
L'acceptabilitat del tractament va caure en picat gairebé un 100% aquell any després que els investigadors descobrís efectes secundaris desfigurants.
An intellectual is a person who has discovered something more interesting than sex.
Un intel · lectual és una persona que ha descobert alguna cosa més interessant que el sexe.
Oil has been discovered under the North Sea.
S'ha descobert petroli sota el mar del Nord.
It was discovered that less than one child in a hundred had been inoculated against endemic disease.
Es va descobrir que menys d'un nen de cada cent havia estat inoculat contra malalties endèmiques.
Christopher Columbus once discovered an entire ship of deceased sailors... and politely ignored it.
Cristòfor Colom va descobrir una vegada tot un vaixell de mariners morts... i el va ignorar educadament.
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