Tom was clearly a little disappointed.
Tom estava clarament una mica decebut.
Tom was bitterly disappointed.
Tom estava amargament decebut.
I was utterly disappointed by your performance today. You can make it much better, and everyone knows that well.
Avui m'ha decebut molt la teva actuació. Es pot fer molt millor, i tothom ho sap molt bé.
Were you as disappointed as I was in the results of the Arab Spring?
Estàs tan decebut com jo en els resultats de la Primavera Àrab?
The results of the experiment have disappointed us very much.
Els resultats de l'experiment ens han decebut molt.
I'm a little disappointed.
Estic una mica decebut.
I know Tom was disappointed.
Sé que en Tom estava decebut.
I hope you're not disappointed.
Espero que no us decebi.
You won't be disappointed.
No us decebrà.
I'm very disappointed in you.
Estic molt decebut amb tu.
I am disappointed.
Estic decebut.
He was not disappointed.
No estava decebut.
I was not disappointed.
No em va decebre.
I'm disappointed in you.
Estic decebut amb tu.
Tom disappointed me.
Tom em va decebre.
I am disappointed that my friend is not here.
Estic decebut que el meu amic no sigui aquí.
How disappointed my parents would be, if I should fail!
Que decebuts estarien els meus pares, si hagués de fallar!
She was disappointed in love.
Estava decebuda per l'amor.
He was disappointed.
Estava decebut.
You disappointed me.
M'has decebut.
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