Mary dashed water in Tom's face.
La Mary va llançar aigua a la cara d'en Tom.
Tom dashed to the corner to mail a letter.
Tom es va precipitar a la cantonada per enviar una carta.
The granny gave me a shove and dashed to the door.
L'àvia em va donar una empenta i es va precipitar cap a la porta.
His illness dashed all his hopes.
La seva malaltia va trencar totes les seves esperances.
A shooting star dashed through the sky.
Una estrella fugaç va caure pel cel.
She dashed downstairs.
Va caure a baix.
A cat dashed out of the room.
Un gat va sortir de l'habitació.
They dashed water into my face.
Em van llançar aigua a la cara.
He dashed out of the store.
Va sortir corrents de la botiga.
I dashed off the report.
Vaig esborrar l'informe.
They dashed water into my face.
Em van llançar aigua a la cara.
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