The night is dark.
La nit és fosca.
It was dark in the forest.
Era fosc al bosc.
The dark clouds and swirling wind indicated that a storm was imminent.
Els núvols foscos i el vent arremolinat indicaven que una tempesta era imminent.
In the dark it's better to light a candle than to curse the darkness.
A la foscor és millor encendre una espelma que maleir la foscor.
I just discovered the dark side of Tatoeba.
Acabo de descobrir el costat fosc de Tatoeba.
When it started to get dark, I quickened my pace.
Quan va començar a fer-se fosc, vaig accelerar el meu ritme.
The first two rooms were dark, in the third there was a light.
Les dues primeres habitacions eren fosques, a la tercera hi havia una llum.
Why is it dark?
Per què és fosc?
It was so dark I had to feel my way around the room.
Era tan fosc que vaig haver de sentir el meu camí per l'habitació.
It was dark blue.
Era blau fosc.
It was dark, wasn't it?
Era fosc, no?
Tom has a dark complexion.
Tom té una pell fosca.
Tom has kept me in the dark about his plans.
Tom m'ha mantingut a les fosques sobre els seus plans.
Mary wore a dark brown dress.
Maria portava un vestit marró fosc.
It gets dark earlier and earlier.
Es fa fosc abans i abans.
I must go. It's getting dark.
He d'anar. S'està fent fosc.
It's so dark.
És tan fosc.
The room was dark.
L’habitació era fosca.
I use a flashlight to illuminate dark areas.
Utilitzo una llanterna per il · luminar zones fosques.
It's very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room, especially if there is no cat.
És molt difícil trobar un gat negre en una habitació fosca, sobretot si no hi ha gat.
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