Let's get dancing.
Anem a ballar.
This is hardly the place for dancing.
Aquest no és el lloc per ballar.
Tom and Mary are dancing in the grand ballroom.
Tom i Mary ballen a la gran sala de ball.
How many dancing angels can fit on the tip of a knife blade?
Quants àngels ballants poden cabre a la punta d'una fulla de ganivet?
Tom and Mary were dancing to the music.
Tom i Mary ballaven amb la música.
Tom and Mary were dancing together.
Tom i Mary ballaven junts.
Keep dancing.
Segueix ballant.
I like dancing too.
També m’agrada ballar.
He likes singing and dancing.
Li agrada cantar i ballar.
His talent for dancing impressed everyone.
El seu talent per ballar va impressionar a tothom.
When it comes to dancing I have two left feet.
Quan es tracta de ballar tinc dos peus esquerres.
When the cat is not there, the mice are dancing.
Quan el gat no hi és, els ratolins ballen.
She felt like dancing.
Se sentia com ballar.
She takes singing and dancing lessons, not to mention swimming and tennis lessons.
Pren classes de cant i ball, per no parlar de classes de natació i tennis.
I wasn't dancing!
No estava ballant!
I'm tired of dancing.
Estic cansat de ballar.
When it comes to disco dancing, I'm no match for Susan.
Quan es tracta de ballar disco, no sóc rival per a Susan.
At the winter festival, Beth received an award for dancing the best.
Al festival d'hivern, Beth va rebre un premi per ballar el millor.
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