Listening to this song makes me want to dance.
Escoltar aquesta cançó em fa venir ganes de ballar.
At the dance, everyone raved about my gown.
En el ball, tothom es va entusiasmar amb el meu vestit.
Besides that, I don't know how to dance.
A més, no sé ballar.
Furthermore, I don't know how to dance.
A més, no sé ballar.
She loves to dance.
Li encanta ballar.
The boys and girls paired off for the dance.
Els nens i les nenes es van emparellar per al ball.
We had a lot of fun at the dance.
Ens vam divertir molt en el ball.
We had a lot of fun at the dance.
Ens vam divertir molt en el ball.
We had lots of fun at the dance.
Ens vam divertir molt en el ball.
We're late for the dance.
Arribem tard al ball.
May I have the next dance?
Puc fer el proper ball?
Do you know how to dance the rhumba?
Saps ballar la rumba?
Do you want to dance?
Vols ballar?
The dance was the most brilliant affair of the season.
El ball va ser l'afer més brillant de la temporada.
I won't dance.
No ballaré.
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