Tom didn't want his friends to see him cry.
Tom no volia que els seus amics el veiessin plorar.
Why do onions make you cry?
Per què les cebes et fan plorar?
Don't cry. Crying doesn't solve anything.
No ploris. Plorar no soluciona res.
I'm sorry I made you cry yesterday.
Em sap greu haver-te fet plorar ahir.
Tom wanted to cry.
Tom volia plorar.
Tom became upset and began to cry.
Tom es va molestar i va començar a plorar.
I started to cry too.
També vaig començar a plorar.
You didn't even cry.
Ni tan sols vas plorar.
Tom didn't even cry.
Tom ni tan sols va plorar.
Men cry too.
Els homes també ploren.
She's done nothing but cry all day.
No ha fet més que plorar tot el dia.
He made her cry.
La va fer plorar.
Tom started to cry.
Tom va començar a plorar.
Do you cry often?
Ploreu sovint?
I am about to cry!
Estic a punt de plorar!
I'm about to cry!
Estic a punt de plorar!
It was a cry of despair.
Va ser un crit de desesperació.
I heard a voice cry "Help!". I was laughing.
Vaig sentir una veu plorar "Ajuda!". Estava rient.
I didn't mean to make her cry.
No volia fer-la plorar.
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