He still has a crush on Justin Bieber.
Encara està enamorat de Justin Bieber.
He has had a crush on her.
Està enamorat d'ella.
He's got a crush on her.
Està enamorat d'ella.
Tom married his high school crush Mary.
Tom es va casar amb la seva enamorada de l'escola secundària Mary.
Mary has a crush on Tom and she wants him to notice her.
La Mary està enamorada d'en Tom i vol que se n'adoni.
Mary came up to Tom at the party and told him she had a crush on him.
La Mary es va acostar a Tom a la festa i li va dir que estava enamorada d'ell.
Mary was Tom's high school crush.
Mary era l'enamorament de l'escola secundària de Tom.
Do you have a crush on her?
Estàs enamorat d'ella?
She had a crush on him.
Estava enamorada d'ell.
He had a crush on her.
Estava enamorat d'ella.
"You've got a crush on this girl." "No, I don't!"
"Estàs enamorat d'aquesta noia." "No, no ho faig!"
Tom had a crush on Mary when he was in junior high school.
Tom estava enamorat de Mary quan estava a l'escola secundària.
Tom had a major crush on Mary.
Tom estava molt enamorat de Mary.
Tom has a crush on Mary.
Tom està enamorat de Mary.
Tom has a terrible crush on Mary.
Tom està molt enamorat de Mary.
He had a crush on his Chinese teacher; but what with all the hormones, he had a crush on just about everyone.
Estava enamorat del seu professor de xinès; però amb totes les hormones, estava enamorat de gairebé tothom.
Lucy's innocent crush turned into an obsession.
L'enamorament innocent de la Lucy es va convertir en una obsessió.
She had a crush on him.
Estava enamorada d'ell.
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