If that's the last thing you say, see you in the court!
Si això és l'últim que dius, ens veiem a la cort!
The court was in session from eight in the morning to five in the afternoon.
El jutjat va estar en sessió de les vuit del matí a les cinc de la tarda.
Tom is in court.
Tom és al tribunal.
I have no acquaintance with court procedure.
No conec el procediment judicial.
The court judged that the witness committed perjury.
El tribunal va jutjar que el testimoni va cometre perjuri.
Tom has to go to court tomorrow.
Demà en Tom ha d'anar als jutjats.
Other members received less severe verdicts by the court.
Altres membres van rebre sentències menys severes per part del tribunal.
Have you ever been a witness in a court case?
Alguna vegada has estat testimoni en un cas judicial?
The court ordered her to pay the fine.
El tribunal li va ordenar pagar la multa.
The court sentenced him to death.
El tribunal el va condemnar a mort.
Rasputin had the whole Russian court under his spell.
Rasputin tenia tota la cort russa sota el seu encanteri.
She took the case into court.
Va portar el cas als tribunals.
He appealed to a higher court against the decision.
Va recórrer davant un tribunal superior contra la decisió.
Is there a tennis court around here?
Hi ha una pista de tennis per aquí?
We went to court when they refused to pay for the damage.
Vam anar als jutjats quan es van negar a pagar els danys.
Tom is in court.
Tom és al tribunal.
Have you ever been a witness in a court case?
Alguna vegada has estat testimoni en un cas judicial?
Is there a tennis court around here?
Hi ha una pista de tennis per aquí?
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