They always complain.
Sempre es queixen.
Tom is always the first one to complain.
Tom sempre és el primer a queixar-se.
It won't do any good to complain to the police.
No farà res per queixar-se a la policia.
You complain compulsively.
Es queixen compulsivament.
We have nothing to complain about.
No tenim res de què queixar-nos.
You always complain about the weather.
Sempre et queixes del temps.
We complain about our neighbors.
Ens queixem dels nostres veïns.
"How are you doing?" "I can't complain."
"Com estàs?" "No em puc queixar."
"How are you?" "I can't complain."
"Com estàs?" "No em puc queixar."
Don't complain. You have to go.
No et queixis. Has d'anar.
Don't complain.
No et queixis.
Don't complain about that. You've asked for it.
No us queixeu d'això. Ho has demanat.
We have nothing to complain of.
No tenim res de què queixar-nos.
She does nothing but complain.
No fa més que queixar-se.
They always complain.
Sempre es queixen.
The food was terrible, but I did not complain.
El menjar era terrible, però no em queixava.
If you complain further, I'm going to get really angry.
Si et queixes més, m'enfadaré molt.
There are many people in the world who complain that they are too busy to read.
Hi ha molta gent al món que es queixa que està massa ocupat per llegir.
People often complain about the weather.
La gent sovint es queixa del temps.
They often complain about the cost of living in Tokyo.
Sovint es queixen del cost de la vida a Tòquio.
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