I don't like to sit too close to the screen.
No m'agrada seure massa a prop de la pantalla.
Tom and Mary are close relatives.
Tom i Mary són parents propers.
Tom pulled Mary into his arms and held her close.
Tom va tirar Mary als seus braços i la va mantenir a prop.
Tom began to undress, but then noticed that the curtain was open, so he went over to close it.
Tom va començar a despullar-se, però després es va adonar que el teló estava obert, així que es va acostar per tancar-lo.
"Hey, why is the window open?" "I just opened it to let in a little air. If you're cold, feel free to close it."
"Ei, per què la finestra està oberta?" "L'acabo d'obrir per deixar entrar una mica d'aire. Si tens fred, no dubtis a tancar-lo."
"Just close your eyes," whispered Tom, and when Mary closed her eyes, he kissed her softly on the lips.
"Només tanca els ulls", va xiuxiuejar en Tom, i quan la Mary va tancar els ulls, la va besar suaument als llavis.
"Close your eyes for a minute," Tom whispered. Mary closed her eyes and Tom gave her a gentle kiss on the lips.
"Tanca els ulls durant un minut", va xiuxiuejar Tom. La Mary va tancar els ulls i en Tom li va fer un petó suau als llavis.
Bulgarian is close to Russian.
El búlgar és a prop del rus.
I want to close the door.
Vull tancar la porta.
We can't close the deal until my partner arrives.
No podem tancar l'acord fins que arribi la meva parella.
Please stay close by.
Si us plau, estigueu a prop.
She doesn't close the door.
No tanca la porta.
You forgot to close the door.
Es va oblidar de tancar la porta.
Just close your eyes and relax.
Tanca els ulls i relaxa't.
It's raining, and we forgot to close the windows.
Està plovent i ens vam oblidar de tancar les finestres.
We were close, Tom and I.
Estàvem a prop, Tom i jo.
They quickly became close friends.
Ràpidament es van fer amics íntims.
I'm going to close the door now.
Ara tancaré la porta.
You can close your eyes to reality but not to memories.
Pots tancar els ulls a la realitat, però no als records.
Is there a restaurant close by?
Hi ha un restaurant a prop?
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