Rats also have a function. They help to clean the pipes.
Les rates també tenen una funció. Ajuden a netejar les canonades.
It looks like we have no clean silverware.
Sembla que no tenim plata neta.
Do we have any clean spoons?
Tenim culleres netes?
"Will you clean your room today or not?! If not, you won't get sweets toworrow" - "Really, mom, you always give convincing reasons!"
"Lluitaràs la teva habitació avui o no?! Si no, no rebràs la tala dels dolços" - "De debò, mare, sempre dones motius convincents!"
It's not too much to ask of you, to clean your own shoes, Tom.
No és massa demanar-te, netejar les teves pròpies sabates, Tom.
I'll help you clean your room.
T'ajudaré a netejar la teva habitació.
Tom wanted Mary to help him clean the house.
Tom volia que Mary l'ajudés a netejar la casa.
Tom made a clean breast of the whole matter.
Tom va fer un pit net de tot el tema.
This plate isn't very clean.
Aquest plat no està molt net.
The hotels here are kept unusually clean.
Els hotels aquí es mantenen inusualment nets.
I don't like to clean.
No m'agrada netejar.
The pool is full of clean water.
La piscina està plena d'aigua neta.
I wanted Tom to clean his room.
Volia que en Tom netegés la seva habitació.
Can you clean the mess up?
Es pot netejar el desastre?
Thanks for understanding the drama of my homeland, which is, like Pablo Neruda would say, a silent Vietnam; there aren't occupation troops, nor powerful planes clouding the clean skies of my land, but we're under financial blockade, but we have no credits, but we can't buy spare parts, but we have no means to buy foods and we need medicines...
Gràcies per entendre el drama de la meva terra natal, que és, com diria Pablo Neruda, un Vietnam silenciós; no hi ha tropes d'ocupació, ni avions poderosos que ennuvolin el cel net de la meva terra, però estem sota bloqueig financer, però no tenim crèdits, però no podem comprar recanvis, però no tenim mitjans per comprar aliments i necessitem medicaments...