Tom was suspended from school because he swore at his classmate.
Tom va ser suspès de l'escola perquè va jurar al seu company de classe.
You should practice English with a friend or classmate. Maybe you could join an Internet forum or a language club.
Hauríeu de practicar l'anglès amb un amic o company de classe. Potser us podeu unir a un fòrum d'Internet o a un club d'idiomes.
She's my classmate.
És la meva companya de classe.
He is my classmate.
És el meu company de classe.
He runs as fast as any other classmate.
Corre tan ràpid com qualsevol altre company de classe.
On leaving school, she got married to her classmate.
En sortir de l'escola, es va casar amb el seu company de classe.
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