You certainly picked a nice time to start an argument.
Sens dubte, vas triar un bon moment per començar una discussió.
You are certainly homesick.
Sens dubte, tens nostalgia.
Tom certainly cut loose at that party.
Sens dubte, Tom es va deixar anar en aquella festa.
They most certainly know.
Segurament ho saben.
"Do you think that Russia and America can become friends?" — "Yes, certainly! I'm absolutely sure. Whatever may happen, our most important friend will be America in any case, but whether South or North America - that depends on you."
"Creus que Rússia i Amèrica poden fer-se amics?" — "Sí, certament! Estic absolutament segur. Passi el que passi, el nostre amic més important serà Amèrica en qualsevol cas, però si Amèrica del Sud o del Nord, això depèn de tu."
If you anger the cat, it will certainly scratch you.
Si enfadeu el gat, sens dubte us ratllarà.
Tom certainly deserves praise.
Tom mereix elogis.
Tom certainly didn't approve of the way Mary was behaving.
En Tom certament no aprovava la manera com es comportava la Mary.
Tom certainly got the message.
Tom sens dubte va rebre el missatge.
Tom certainly has a better understanding of this matter than I do.
En Tom, sens dubte, té una millor comprensió d'aquest tema que jo.
Tom certainly impressed the judges.
Tom sens dubte va impressionar els jutges.
Tom certainly isn't the only man that Mary likes.
Tom certament no és l'únic home que li agrada a Mary.
Tom certainly knew about the problem.
Tom, sens dubte, sabia del problema.
Tom certainly knows how to make money.
Tom sap com guanyar diners.
Tom certainly plays the guitar well.
Tom, sens dubte, toca bé la guitarra.
Tom certainly thinks he's clever.
En Tom sens dubte creu que és intel·ligent.
Tom certainly wasn't crying when we left his house.
En Tom certament no plorava quan vam sortir de casa seva.