They had to call the police to restore order.
Van haver de trucar a la policia per restablir l'ordre.
Tom went to go call the police.
Tom va anar a trucar a la policia.
I couldn't call you.
No et podia trucar.
All those I didn't call by name, go outside.
Tots els que no vaig trucar pel seu nom, sortiu.
Why did Tom call?
Per què va trucar en Tom?
Let's call a bus.
Truquem a un autobús.
Let's call for the ambulance.
Truquem a l’ambulància.
Should I call you "thou" or "you"?
T'he de dir "tu" o "tu"?
Death doesn't understand jokes: people call for it, and it comes.
La mort no entén les bromes: la gent ho demana, i arriba.
Last night, I stayed home waiting for you to call.
Ahir a la nit em vaig quedar a casa esperant que truquis.
"Will we call each other by name?" - "I think we will."
"Ens anomenarem pel seu nom?" - "Crec que ho farem."
Let's try to make the call once more.
Intentem tornar a fer la trucada.
I have to get up early tomorrow. Can you give me a call at six?
Demà m'he de llevar d'hora. Em pots trucar a les sis?
I meant to call, but I forgot.
volia trucar, però m'he oblidat.
I have the right to call my lawyer.
Tinc dret a trucar al meu advocat.
Don't hesitate to call if you need me.
No dubtis a trucar si em necessites.
I call her every evening.
La truco cada vespre.
Never call me again!
No em tornis a trucar mai més!
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