The loss of her husband was a great blow for Mary.
La pèrdua del seu marit va ser un gran cop per a Mary.
"How many candles did you blow out on your birthday?" "Fifty-six"
"Quantes espelmes vas explotar el dia del teu aniversari?" "Cinquanta-sis"
It's going to blow up!
Es vol esclatar!
After you blow up those balloons, could you sweep the room?
Després de fer volar aquests globus, podríeu escombrar l'habitació?
Please don't blow your nose on the tablecloth.
Si us plau, no et toquis el nas a la estovalla.
The first blow is half the battle.
El primer cop és la meitat de la batalla.
Her death is a blow to my feelings.
La seva mort és un cop per als meus sentiments.
They defused the bomb before it could blow up.
Van desactivar la bomba abans que pogués explotar.
He gave a blow with the flat of his hand.
Va donar un cop amb el pis de la mà.
I dealt him a blow on the ear.
Li vaig donar un cop a l'orella.
Dad can blow many smoke rings.
El pare pot fer volar molts anells de fum.
I have to blow my nose all the time.
He de bufar-me el nas tot el temps.
The news was a blow to him.
La notícia va ser un cop per a ell.
It was a great blow to us.
Va ser un gran cop per a nosaltres.
Make a wish and blow out the candles.
Fes un desig i treu les espelmes.
It's going to blow up!
Es vol esclatar!
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