We both know you don't belong here.
Tots dos sabem que no pertanys aquí.
Iceland used to belong to Denmark.
Islàndia pertanyia a Dinamarca.
How beautiful nature made you! To whom are you fated to belong?
Quina bellesa et va fer la natura! A qui estàs destinat a pertànyer?
The desire for love to be mutual does not belong to love but to vanity.
El desig que l'amor sigui mutu no pertany a l'amor sinó a la vanitat.
What language group does French belong to?
A quin grup lingüístic pertany el francès?
I didn't know that depending on which sect they belong to, priests don't necessarily have to shave their head.
No sabia que, depenent de quina secta pertanyin, els sacerdots no necessàriament s'han d'afaitar el cap.
Ideas do not belong to anyone, they float in the air.
Les idees no pertanyen a ningú, suren a l'aire.
This sentence does not belong to me.
Aquesta frase no em pertany.
Tom stuck his nose where it didn't belong.
Tom li va ficar el nas on no pertanyia.
He doesn't belong to us.
No ens pertany.
Most workers belong to unions.
La majoria dels treballadors pertanyen a sindicats.
They don't belong under that category.
No pertany a aquesta categoria.
I belong to the sailing club.
pertanyo al club de vela.
I don't belong to any club.
No pertanyo a cap club.
Do you belong to the baseball club?
Pertany al club de beisbol?
Iceland used to belong to Denmark.
Islàndia pertanyia a Dinamarca.
Who does the gun belong to?
A qui pertany l'arma?
Does this cap belong to you?
Et pertany aquest casquet?
The two of us don't belong here.
Tots dos no pertanyem aquí.
You belong to the next generation.
Pertany a la propera generació.
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