You sat there and watched me being beaten to a pulp.
Et vas asseure allà i em vas veure colpejat fins a una polpa.
Is this seat being saved for anybody?
Aquest seient s'està guardant per a algú?
This is being done for your safety.
Això s'està fent per la seva seguretat.
I love being with her.
M'encanta estar amb ella.
I love being with him.
M'encanta estar amb ell.
Sometimes you have to choose between looking good and being comfortable.
De vegades cal triar entre mirar bé i estar còmode.
Some dogs love being outdoor.
A alguns gossos els encanta estar a l'aire lliure.
I want to go on record as being against it.
Vull deixar constància d'estar en contra.
I'll have to resign myself to being alone while you're away.
M'hauré de resignar a estar sol mentre estàs fora.
Just being in Tom's company is enough to ruin Mary's reputation.
Només estar en companyia de Tom és suficient per arruïnar la reputació de Mary.
Tom has a reputation for being a good worker.
Tom té fama de ser un bon treballador.
You'll have to use the rear door while the house is being painted.
Haureu d'utilitzar la porta del darrere mentre es pinta la casa.
I hate being ill.
Odio estar malalt.
There's a balance between touting the equal merit of everything and being closed-mindedly opinionated, that I'm still trying to find.
Hi ha un equilibri entre promocionar el mèrit igual de tot i ser opinat de manera tancada, que encara estic intentant trobar.
Tom accused Mary of being pig-headed.
Tom va acusar Mary de ser cap de porc.
Tom was soaked through after being caught in an unexpected downpour.
Tom es va remullar després de ser atrapat en un xàfec inesperat.
Sentences are being added to Tatoeba at a phenomenal rate.
S'estan afegint frases a Tatoeba a un ritme fenomenal.
Thank you so much for being here.
Moltes gràcies per ser aquí.
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