The details of the agreement were worked out behind the scenes.
Els detalls de l'acord es van elaborar entre bastidors.
"I guess you have to be a fool to dump Hermione..." - "Took you long enough... She's behind your back." - "What the hell?!"
"Suposo que has de ser un ximple per deixar l'Hermione.." - "T'has agafat el temps suficient... Ella està a l'esquena." - "Què dimonis?!"
Either she's really doing well, or she can hide everything behind her smile.
O està molt bé, o pot amagar-ho tot darrere del seu somriure.
They hung their coats behind the door.
Van penjar els abrics darrere de la porta.
The sun suddenly appeared from behind a cloud.
El sol va aparèixer de sobte des de darrere d'un núvol.
Tom was hiding behind a tree.
Tom s'amagava darrere d'un arbre.
Tom hid behind a tree.
Tom es va amagar darrere d'un arbre.
The sun sets behind the mountain.
El sol es pon darrere de la muntanya.
The whole community is behind this plan.
Tota la comunitat està darrere d'aquest pla.
They're right behind you.
Estan just darrere teu.
Children are playing behind the house.
Els nens juguen darrere de casa.
A dark shadow passed behind Tom.
Una ombra fosca va passar darrere de Tom.
There could be a kernel of truth behind this legend.
Podria haver-hi un nucli de veritat darrere d'aquesta llegenda.
Spring ahead, fall behind.
Primavera per davant, queda enrere.
I can't leave Tom behind.
No puc deixar enrere en Tom.
Something is moving behind the bush.
Alguna cosa es mou darrere de la mata.
Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend.
No camineu darrere meu; potser no lideraré. No caminis davant meu; potser no el segueixo. Camina al meu costat i sigues el meu amic.
Hurry, or the train will leave you behind.
Afanya't, o el tren et deixarà enrere.
We are behind schedule.
Estem endarrerits.
The sun had hidden itself behind a mountain.
El sol s’havia amagat darrere d’una muntanya.
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