When I think of my four-dimensional self, I begin to mourn for the "broken" parts of the worm, and want to fix it. (Especially where there was suffering). Is that weird?
Quan penso en el meu jo de quatre dimensions, començo a plorar per les parts "trencades" del cuc i vull arreglar-ho. (Sobretot on hi havia patiment). És estrany?
To begin with, we don't have enough money.
Per començar, no tenim prou diners.
We must begin to work right away.
Hem de començar a treballar de seguida.
Let's begin with soup.
Comencem per la sopa.
When did you begin learning French?
Quan vas començar a aprendre francès?
When did you begin studying French?
Quan vas començar a estudiar francès?
I don't even know where to begin.
Ni tan sols sé per on començar.
Can I begin?
Puc començar?
When does the game begin?
Quan comença el joc?
Let the tricks begin!
Que comencin els trucs!
The experiment must begin.
L’experiment ha de començar.
The experiment has to begin.
L’experiment ha de començar.
Fairy tales usually begin with the sentence "Once upon a time" and end with "...and if they didn't die, then they still live today."
Els contes de fades solen començar amb la frase "Hi havia una vegada" i acaben amb "...i si no morien, encara viuen avui."
After years of suffering, she finally decided to forget the past and begin a new life.
Després d'anys de patiment, finalment va decidir oblidar el passat i començar una nova vida.