I'll take roast beef.
Agafaré carn rostida.
I don't eat pork, beef or eggs.
No menjo carn de porc, vedella ni ous.
Tom doesn't like beef.
A Tom no li agrada la carn de vedella.
Africa is exporting beef to Europe.
Àfrica exporta carn de boví a Europa.
As a rule of thumb, you should plan on one pound of beef for every two guests.
Com a regla general, hauríeu de planificar una lliura de vedella per cada dos convidats.
This beef is tender.
Aquesta carn de vedella és tendra.
I know how to make beef stroganoff.
Sé com fer stroganoff de vedella.
How about some more roast beef?
Què tal una mica més de carn rostida?
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