There's a raccoon in my bedroom!
Hi ha un mapache al meu dormitori!
Tom quietly closed the bedroom door.
Tom va tancar tranquil·lament la porta del dormitori.
I was in my bedroom.
Estava al meu dormitori.
I've cleaned every room except your bedroom.
He netejat totes les habitacions excepte el teu dormitori.
Do you want to see my bedroom?
Vols veure el meu dormitori?
We heard a noise in the bedroom.
Vam sentir un soroll al dormitori.
My bedroom is crawling with spiders.
El meu dormitori està ple d'aranyes.
Tom cleaned out his bedroom closet.
Tom va netejar l'armari del seu dormitori.
Tom is planning to redecorate his bedroom.
Tom té previst redecorar el seu dormitori.
What is there in your bedroom?
Què hi ha al teu dormitori?
There was a small table in her bedroom, and on the table - a little bottle.
Hi havia una petita taula al seu dormitori i a la taula: una petita ampolla.
The woman sleeps in the bedroom.
La dona dorm al dormitori.
It is my bedroom.
És el meu dormitori.
The man was found dead in his bedroom in the morning.
L'home va ser trobat mort al seu dormitori al matí.
She went upstairs to her bedroom.
Va pujar al seu dormitori.
I could hear her sobbing in her bedroom.
La vaig sentir plorar al seu dormitori.
I'm going to clean your bedroom today.
Avui netejaré el teu dormitori.
I was in my bedroom.
Estava al meu dormitori.
I've cleaned every room except your bedroom.
He netejat totes les habitacions excepte el teu dormitori.
I've cleaned every room except your bedroom.
He netejat totes les habitacions excepte el teu dormitori.
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