The peaches at the bottom of the basket are rotten.
Els préssecs de la part inferior de la cistella estan podrits.
Don't put all your eggs in the same basket.
No posis tots els ous a la mateixa cistella.
Who stole my basket with the meat?
Qui em va robar la cistella amb la carn?
The fruit is in the basket.
La fruita està a la cistella.
Tom put all his eggs in one basket.
Tom va posar tots els seus ous en una cistella.
"The two of you need to take the basket of apples over to your grandfather," the mother said. "You will grab it from one side, and you - from the other. And that's how you'll set out."
"Els dos heu de portar la cistella de pomes al vostre avi", va dir la mare. "L'agafaràs d'un costat, i tu, de l'altre. I així és com us proposareu."
Don't put all your eggs in one basket.
No posis tots els ous en una cistella.
Count the apples in the basket.
Comptar les pomes a la cistella.
She was carrying a basket full of flowers.
Portava una cistella plena de flors.
She had a basket full of apples.
Tenia una cistella plena de pomes.
She lifted one corner of the napkin which covered her basket and let me have a quick look.
Va aixecar un racó del tovalló que li cobria la cistella i em va deixar mirar ràpidament.
There were many rotten apples in the basket.
Hi havia moltes pomes podrides a la cistella.
She quickly shut the kitten into a basket.
Ràpidament va tancar el gatet en una cistella.
My cat came out of the basket.
El meu gat va sortir de la cistella.
We received instructions on how to make a bamboo basket.
Vam rebre instruccions sobre com fer una cistella de bambú.