Rock the baby to sleep.
Roca el nadó a dormir.
A woman was arrested yesterday for leaving a baby unattended in her car in searing heat.
Una dona va ser detinguda ahir per deixar un nadó sense vigilància al seu cotxe amb una calor abrasadora.
Tom wanted to help Mary rescue her baby.
Tom volia ajudar a Mary a rescatar el seu nadó.
My baby wants to talk.
El meu fill vol parlar.
Every serial killer was somebody's baby once.
Cada assassí en sèrie va ser el nadó d'algú una vegada.
Every monster starts off as someone's baby.
Cada monstre comença com el nadó d'algú.
The baby wiped his hands covered in chocolate on his bib.
El nadó es va eixugar les mans cobertes de xocolata al pitet.
The baby weighed seven pounds, eight ounces.
El nadó pesava set lliures i vuit unces.
Have you ever seen a baby pigeon?
Has vist mai un colom?
Mary held the baby in her arms.
Maria va agafar el nadó als braços.
We're going to have a baby.
Tindrem un nadó.
Don't worry about the baby.
No et preocupis pel nadó.
Tom has a three-month-old baby.
Tom té un nadó de tres mesos.
Tom and Mary had a baby three weeks ago.
Tom i Mary van tenir un nadó fa tres setmanes.
This baby is six months old.
Aquest nadó té sis mesos.
This baby is half a year old.
Aquest nadó té mig any.
I didn't dare to leave the baby.
No em vaig atrevir a deixar el nadó.
Tom cradled the baby in his arms.
Tom va bressar el nadó als seus braços.
The baby has been coughing all night.
El nadó ha tossit tota la nit.
What time do you usually bathe the baby?
A quina hora es banya habitualment el nadó?
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