I understand Tom salted away a good deal for his old age.
Entenc que Tom va salar molt per a la seva vellesa.
My dog ran away.
El meu gos va fugir.
Tom ran away when he saw me.
Tom va fugir quan em va veure.
Go away from the window.
Allunyar-se de la finestra.
She passed away yesterday afternoon.
Va morir ahir a la tarda.
Do you really think you can get away with this?
De debò creus que pots sortir-te'n amb això?
Tom jumped into the car and drove away.
Tom va saltar al cotxe i va marxar.
I'll have to resign myself to being alone while you're away.
M'hauré de resignar a estar sol mentre estàs fora.
We should get away from here.
Ens hauríem d'allunyar d'aquí.
Hell no, boy! That's not how you say 'spaghetti'! Take him away!
No, noi! No és així com dius 'espaguetis'! Allunya't!
By the time I came, he'd gone away.
Quan vaig arribar, ja havia marxat.
"Here's the traitor, Your Majesty!" "Please, Your Omnipotence, have mercy!" "After you've scrubbed all the floors in Hyrule, then we can talk about mercy! Take him away." "Yes, my liege!"
"Aquí està el traïdor, Majestat!" "Si us plau, la teva omnipotència, tingueu pietat!" "Després d'haver fregat tots els pisos d'Hyrule, podem parlar de misericòrdia! Allunya'l." "Sí, el meu senyor!"
Let's go somewhere far away.
Anem a algun lloc llunyà.
Just do it right away or don't even bother talking to me again.
Només fes-ho de seguida o no et molestis a parlar amb mi de nou.
She took my breath away.
Em va treure l'alè.
The doctor tore his tooth away with a pair of tongs.
El metge es va arrencar la dent amb un parell de pinces.
He took my breath away.
Em va treure l'alè.
Look away for a minute! I'm going to quickly change my clothes.