I got this on good authority.
Ho tinc amb bona autoritat.
You have overstepped your authority.
Has superat la teva autoritat.
She has overstepped her authority.
Ha superat la seva autoritat.
He has overstepped his authority.
Ha superat la seva autoritat.
I realise that you are the second authority in Europe.
Em vaig adonar que ets la segona autoritat a Europa.
You are abusing your authority.
Abusen la teva autoritat.
The governor invested him with full authority.
El governador el va investir de plena autoritat.
The section chief seems to like abusing his authority.
Al cap de secció sembla que li agrada abusar de la seva autoritat.
He is an authority on China.
És una autoritat a la Xina.
He abuses his authority.
Abusa de la seva autoritat.
What miraculous sign can you show us to prove your authority to do all this?
Quin signe miraculós ens pot mostrar per demostrar la seva autoritat per fer tot això?
I heard it on good authority.
Ho vaig sentir amb bona autoritat.
That professor is an authority on Shakespeare.
Aquest professor és una autoritat sobre Shakespeare.
Only after a century and a half of confusion was the royal authority restored.
Només després d'un segle i mig de confusió es va restaurar l'autoritat reial.
By what authority do you order me to do this?
Amb quina autoritat m'ordenes que faci això?
Teachers shouldn't fall back on their authority.
Els professors no haurien de recaure en la seva autoritat.
You have overstepped your authority.
Has superat la teva autoritat.
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