The author of the text of the famous song "I love you, oh life" died yesterday.
L'autor del text de la famosa cançó "T'estimo, oh vida" va morir ahir.
The author may commit suicide as he aims at the tastes of public.
L'autor pot suïcidar-se ja que apunta als gustos del públic.
Through this sentence, the author was making it known to Tom and Mary that their destiny was escaping him, as he didn't understand the deep meaning of his own sentences.
A través d'aquesta frase, l'autor va fer saber a Tom i Mary que el seu destí l'estava escapant, ja que no entenia el significat profund de les seves pròpies frases.
He is a doctor and an author.
És metge i autor.
The author of the Slovio language has even made a porn site in it.
L'autor de la llengua eslovio fins i tot hi ha fet un lloc porno.
The weak point of this book is that it's less than persuasive when the married author recommends not being married.
El punt feble d'aquest llibre és que és menys que persuasiu quan l'autor casat recomana no estar casat.
Everyone has the right to the protection of the moral and material interests resulting from any scientific, literary or artistic production of which he is the author.
Tota persona té dret a la protecció dels interessos morals i materials derivats de qualsevol producció científica, literària o artística de la qual sigui autor.
The author pins the crime on a character who pops up in the last chapter of this book.
L'autor fixa el crim en un personatge que apareix a l'últim capítol d'aquest llibre.
The author dedicated the book to his sister.
L'autor va dedicar el llibre a la seva germana.
I am acquainted with the author.
Conec l'autor.
That Italian author is little known in Japan.
Aquest autor italià és poc conegut al Japó.
Graham Greene is my favorite author.
Graham Greene és el meu autor preferit.
The author of this article is a famous critic.
L'autor d'aquest article és un crític famós.
Who is the author of this story?
Qui és l’autor d’aquesta història?
The author has a beautiful style.
L'autor té un estil molt bonic.
What a good scholar the author must be to write such a splendid book!
Quin bon erudit ha de ser l'autor per escriure un llibre tan esplèndid!
How long ago did the author die?
Quant de temps va morir l’autor?
The author presented a copy of his latest book to me.
L'autor em va presentar una còpia del seu darrer llibre.