The speech was well received by the audience.
El discurs va ser ben rebut pel públic.
The audience buzzed with excitement.
El públic va brunzir d'emoció.
Last time I went to a Lady Gaga concert, although she finished all her songs, many members of the audience were not satisfied.
L'última vegada que vaig anar a un concert de Lady Gaga, tot i que va acabar totes les seves cançons, molts membres del públic no estaven satisfets.
The audience members noted that the speaker looked tired.
Els membres del públic van assenyalar que el ponent semblava cansat.
In Soviet Russia, television watches the audience!
A la Rússia soviètica, la televisió mira l'audiència!
The audience believed it to be part of the act, rather than a short circuit.
El públic creia que formava part de l'acte, més que d'un curtcircuit.
His speech charmed the audience.
El seu discurs va encantar el públic.
His speech deeply affected the audience.
El seu discurs va afectar profundament el públic.
The audience consisted mainly of students.
El públic estava format principalment per estudiants.
The audience were excited by the show.
El públic es va emocionar amb l'espectacle.
Among the audience, there were teachers, lawyers, engineers, and so on.
Entre el públic, hi havia professors, advocats, enginyers, etc.
Her speech moved the audience.
El seu discurs va emocionar el públic.
He addressed a large audience.
Es va dirigir a un gran públic.
He spoke so eloquently that the audience were all moved to tears.
Va parlar tan eloqüentment que el públic es va emocionar fins a les llàgrimes.
The movie thrilled the entire audience.
La pel · lícula va emocionar a tot el públic.
Madonna's concert drew a large audience.
El concert de Madonna va atreure un gran públic.
There was a large audience at the concert.
Hi va haver un gran públic al concert.
The audience sobbed throughout the climax of the movie.
El públic va plorar durant el clímax de la pel·lícula.
It requires wisdom to understand wisdom: the music is nothing if the audience is deaf.
Requereix saviesa per entendre la saviesa: la música no és res si el públic és sord.
Last time I went to a Lady Gaga concert, although she finished all her songs, many members of the audience were not satisfied.
L'última vegada que vaig anar a un concert de Lady Gaga, tot i que va acabar totes les seves cançons, molts membres del públic no estaven satisfets.
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