So, my enemy, I won't let you attempt on the holy of holies of my heart, you will pay for it, I promise.
Per tant, enemic meu, no us deixaré intentar el sant dels sants del meu cor, ho pagareu, us ho prometo.
Is this an early attempt at cake making?
És un primer intent de fer pastissos?
Do not attempt this at home.
No intenteu això a casa.
Tom was the victim of an extortion attempt.
Tom va ser víctima d'un intent d'extorsió.
Don't attempt to steal other people's belongings!
No intenteu robar les pertinences d'altres persones!
Despite the government’s protection, he was the victim of an assassination attempt which killed him.
Malgrat la protecció del govern, va ser víctima d'un intent d'assassinat que el va matar.
It is more time-efficient to do several tasks sequentially than attempt to do them simultaneously.
És més eficient en el temps fer diverses tasques seqüencialment que intentar fer-les simultàniament.
Despair drove him to attempt suicide.
La desesperació el va portar a intentar suïcidar-se.
She made an attempt to ride a bicycle.
Va intentar anar en bicicleta.
Charles Moore created Forth in an attempt to increase programmer productivity without sacrificing machine efficiency.
Charles Moore va crear Forth en un intent d'augmentar la productivitat dels programadors sense sacrificar l'eficiència de la màquina.
His attempt ended in failure.
El seu intent va acabar en fracàs.
We marveled at his bold attempt.
Ens vam meravellar del seu atrevit intent.
He is too much of a coward to attempt it.
És massa covard per intentar-ho.
He succeeded in the examination at his first attempt.
Va aconseguir l'examen en el seu primer intent.
He was successful in the attempt.
Va tenir èxit en l'intent.
His attempt to escape was successful.
El seu intent d'escapar va tenir èxit.
I was foiled in my attempt.
Em vaig veure frustrat en el meu intent.
The coup attempt was foiled at the last moment.
L'intent de cop d'estat es va frustrar a l'últim moment.
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