Tom is having a panic attack.
Tom està tenint un atac de pànic.
You're the only one to survive the attack.
Ets l'únic que ha sobreviscut a l'atac.
Tom had an attack of nerves.
Tom va tenir un atac de nervis.
That's why we didn't attack.
Per això no vam atacar.
The town was subjected to an aerial attack.
La ciutat va ser sotmesa a un atac aeri.
You almost gave me a heart attack.
Gairebé em vas donar un atac de cor.
I'd have had a heart attack and died.
Hauria tingut un atac de cor i m'hauria mort.
We're under attack!
Estem sota atac!
Will Israel attack Iran?
Israel atacarà l'Iran?
That flower tried to attack me.
Aquella flor va intentar atacar-me.
When she told me that she was pregnant, I almost had a heart attack.
Quan em va dir que estava embarassada, gairebé vaig tenir un atac de cor.
Acting on advice from his astronomers, Alexander the Great decided not to attack Egypt and went to India instead.
Seguint el consell dels seus astrònoms, Alexandre el Gran va decidir no atacar Egipte i va anar a l'Índia.
Did you know that John's father died of a heart attack?
Sabies que el pare de John va morir d'un atac de cor?
Seeing the face of his wife covered in green spots, he had a heart attack. Yet another victim of the killer cucumber!
En veure la cara de la seva dona coberta de taques verdes, va tenir un atac de cor. Una altra víctima del cogombre assassí!
At the Battle of Verdun, French forces stopped a German attack.
A la batalla de Verdun, les forces franceses van aturar un atac alemany.
The British started to attack from across the river.
Els britànics van començar a atacar des de l'altra banda del riu.
I'm not going to get into a battle of wits with you; I never attack anyone who's unarmed.
No entraré en una batalla d'enginy amb tu; Mai ataco ningú que estigui desarmat.
I've always thought that a heart attack was nature's way of telling you that it was time to die.
Sempre he pensat que un atac de cor era la manera de la natura de dir-te que era hora de morir.
The enemy launched an attack on us.
L'enemic va llançar un atac contra nosaltres.
The enemy attack ceased at dawn.
L'atac enemic va cessar a l'alba.
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