You didn't come at four. That's why they went without you.
No vas venir a les quatre. Per això van anar sense tu.
I usually get up at eight o'clock.
Normalment m'aixeco a les vuit.
I usually get up at eight o'clock.
Normalment m'aixeco a les vuit.
I usually get up at eight o'clock.
Normalment m'aixeco a les vuit.
Tom spoke in French at the meeting.
Tom va parlar en francès a la reunió.
Tom spoke in French at the meeting.
Tom va parlar en francès a la reunió.
She looked at her cell phone and noticed that it was already a quarter till two.
Va mirar el seu mòbil i es va adonar que ja era d'un quart a dos.
Are you sure you don't want to live at home with your parents?
Estàs segur que no vols viure a casa amb els teus pares?
Are you sure you don't want to live at home with your parents?
Estàs segur que no vols viure a casa amb els teus pares?
Are you sure you don't want to live at home with your parents?
Estàs segur que no vols viure a casa amb els teus pares?
How did you get so good at backgammon?
Com vas ser tan bo en el backgammon?
They give good service at that restaurant.
Donen un bon servei en aquest restaurant.
I was laughed at by everyone.
Em va riure tothom.
This is the first time I've ever fought at work.
És la primera vegada que lluito a la feina.
They've been at sea for the past three weeks.
Han estat al mar durant les últimes tres setmanes.
We pay our bills at the end of the month.
Paguem les nostres factures a finals de mes.
She married him at the age of 20.
Es va casar amb ell als 20 anys.
Smile at the camera, please!
Somriu a la càmera, si us plau!
He wants to be a husband at every wedding, and the deceased at every funeral.
Vol ser marit a cada casament i el difunt a cada funeral.
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