The guests won't arrive for an hour. In the meantime, we can set the table.
Els convidats no arribaran ni una hora. Mentrestant, podem posar la taula.
By the time you arrive, all arrangements will have been made.
Quan arribis, s'hauran fet tots els arranjaments.
What time will we arrive in Boston?
A quina hora arribarem a Barcelona?
The test samples were due to arrive three days ago.
Les mostres de prova havien d'arribar fa tres dies.
It's possible we'll arrive at the Tokyo station around noon.
És possible que arribem a l'estació de Tòquio cap al migdia.
When you arrive in Osaka, please contact me.
Quan arribeu a Osaka, poseu-vos en contacte amb mi.
How can you arrive at this time?
Com es pot arribar a aquest moment?
When is the ship due to arrive?
Quan ha d’arribar el vaixell?
What ship did Tom arrive on?
En quin vaixell va arribar Tom?
When did you arrive? Did you arrive today?
Quan va arribar? Has arribat avui?
Why did you arrive late again?
Per què va tornar tard?
Tomorrow I'll arrive on time.
Demà arribaré a temps.
Tom was the first to arrive.
Tom va ser el primer a arribar.
Tom asked Mary who had been the first to arrive.
Tom va preguntar a Mary qui havia estat la primera a arribar.
From 100, Protestant missionaries from America started to arrive, and the Catholic and Russian Orthodox churches also became actively involved in missionary work.
A partir dels 100, van començar a arribar missioners protestants d'Amèrica, i les esglésies catòlica i ortodoxa russa també es van implicar activament en el treball missioner.
On foot, you'll arrive within thirty minutes.
A peu, arribaràs en trenta minuts.
What time will the train to Kyoto arrive?
A quina hora arribarà el tren a Kyoto?
I will arrive on 100rd of May.
Arribarem el 100 de maig.
When did you arrive in China?
Quan va arribar a la Xina?
I hope that my car doesn't break down, and that I arrive at yours on time.
Espero que el meu cotxe no es trenqui i que arribi al teu a temps.