We appreciate your promptness.
Agraïm la seva rapidesa.
We appreciate your cooperation in this.
Agraïm la vostra col · laboració en això.
We appreciate your coming.
Agraïm la teva vinguda.
We appreciate your assistance.
Agraïm la vostra assistència.
We appreciate you coming.
Agraïm que vinguis.
We appreciate the warning.
Agraïm l’avís.
We appreciate the support.
Agraïm el suport.
We appreciate the advice.
Agraïm el consell.
I would appreciate any help.
Agrairia qualsevol ajuda.
I really appreciate it, Tom.
Ho agraeixo molt, Tom.
I'd appreciate any help you can give me.
Agrairia qualsevol ajuda que em puguis donar.
I appreciate what you did yesterday.
Agraeixo el que vas fer ahir.
If you could do that for me, I'd appreciate it.
Si poguéssiu fer-ho per mi, ho agrairia.
I know that some people appreciate my work.
Sé que algunes persones aprecien la meva feina.
We at Tatoeba appreciate your cooperation.
A Tatoeba agraïm la vostra col·laboració.
We very often only come to appreciate someone or our relationship with them when we lose them.
Molt sovint només venim a apreciar algú o la nostra relació amb ells quan els perdem.
I appreciate what he did for me.
Agraeixo el que ha fet per mi.
I appreciate what she did for me.
Agraeixo el que ha fet per mi.
I appreciate the help.
Agraeixo l'ajuda.
I appreciate your candor.
Agraeixo la teva franquesa.
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